The actual license language speaks for itself. In essence the only things necessary to obtain a license are to fill out the online application form, complete all of the questions, provide all of the information requested, and submit the application through this website, accompanied or followed by a check in the appropriate amount for the license if required. There is no fee required for software and other products licensed under an OSI approved open source license. Otherwise, the fee is $250.00 for use of the mark in connection with Jabber accessories or any use other than software or computer hardware, and a $500.00 one-time fee for use in connection with software or computer hardware or any other type of computer or Internet use of the Jabber mark. We have divided the fee into two classes in recognition that most of the accessory uses involve much smaller revenues than the computer software or hardware. The fees are standard and are not negotiable.

In addition, the user and licensee must be certain that a legend is placed on the licensed product near the most prominent use of the proposed mark with language to the effect that:

“The registered trademark Jabber® is used pursuant to a license from the XMPP Standards Foundation, authorized licensor of the Jabber trademark on a worldwide basis.”

Recognizing that this exact language may be too long for your packaging, any reasonable facsimile thereof will accomplish the purpose. The point is to make clear to the public that the mark is used pursuant to a license granted by the XMPP Standards Foundation.

The final condition is that if you fail to comply with the terms of the license at any time, you will be given reasonable notice and time to cure, and in the event that it is not cured to the reasonable satisfaction of the XMPP Standards Foundation, your license will be terminated after further written notice. Once cancelled, the license may not be renewed or reinstated. The license provides for recovery of attorney fees to enforce it.